Thursday 24 May 2012

Planting Sectional Views

Hurrah!  Another image added. This time for planting.  Within the site, the chalk has been left barren to allow for ruderal ecology to emerge. Within this, predominately Betula woodlands will be planted with understorey species for coppice and biomass.  The top image shows a view looking north with Malus sp. for food production with the south viewing image to the cliffs below. I still wanted to show the energy of the site and the openness, hence the trees bending in the vortices of the wind, (there will be many) and the kite flying. 

While doing this project, the back of my mind was full of Dungeness and Derek Jarman but on a much greater scale.  I wonder what he would have done with this site in the 21st Century?

Don't ever do a post grad in Landscape Architecture if you want to remain sane.  It drove me mad but now very prepared for the big wide world out there again.

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